SCIENTIFIC NAME: Hornero rufus.
The "Hornero" is reddish brown.
It is very elegant in its walk, and very confident.
It is common in urban and semi-urban sites.

The nest is built in autumn,
and both members of the couple are involved in its building.
They carry the mud with their beaks, with added roots and grass,
as they go shaping the oven.
For its location they usually choose visible places:
thick tree branches, posts and ceilings.

The nest consists of two cameras, a previous entry, separated by a wall,
the later one for incubation and rearing.
Although the nest lasts for 2 or 3 years, each season they build 1 or 2 new ones, sometimes one above another, as a building.
The abandoned nests are disputed by mice, jilgueros, swallows, and sparrows.